Photograph by Hannah
“I’ve used what I learned here to make a difference in my life every day.” — a client
Such statements are what propelled me to start speaking and writing. These words came from psychotherapy clients I’ve worked with over the years and inspired me to want to inspire you!
Who I am
I became a Licensed Professional Counselor as a “second career” and have spent many hours working with individuals, couples and families in my private practice. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a Master’s in Counseling and that “second career” prompted a move from Pueblo to Denver, Colorado where I worked as the Director of the Counseling Department at the Potter’s House Church. I currently enjoy working with people all over the country via teletherapy.
I love what I do, and I love people! My desire is to encourage and motivate others, just as I’ve done in the counseling office. I’ll tell stories, teach skills and hopefully help more people say, “I’ve used what I learned here to make a difference in my life every day.”
In my free time, my husband Jerry and I like to travel and get away — to the mountains in Colorado or other parts of the country, where my iPhone camera is my best friend for taking pretty darn good pictures, one of my hobbies. In the winter time, it’s time to enjoy a fire, hot coffee and a good book. And, of course, I love to write! “Clapping With Your Feet” is my first published article.
My book, "Yes! I Said No!" is available through through this link.
““You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed, or unworthy. You were created to be victorious.” ”
Yes! I said NO!
A guide to setting boundaries and increasing self-esteem.
Featuring the following topics:
Why is It So Hard to Say "No?"
People Pleasing Is Not a Spiritual Gift!
Care Without Carrying
The Power of Deciding
How Do I Begin? You Must Invest In Yourself
Investing In Your Body
Investing In Your Mind
Investing In Your Spirit
Dream Big, Think Small
Develop thick, armor-plated skin
Myths About Saying "No"
How To Say No! Without Blowing Up! Wimping Out or Running Away
You've Got A New Attitude
Look Back to Move Forward