Barbra Russell, MA, LPC
Join Ana-Christina (Coach) and me (Counselor) as we talk about Crisis Coping in 2020 - Zoom conversations
Each Friday morning at 10 am. MST we will show a short video and share tools and tips that will help you deal with anxiety, isolation and stress. Go to:
2020 Speaking Topics:
““Barbra’s classes are always interesting and enjoyable – you never know what she will do to keep your attention and get you involved.
We laugh, everyone participates, and we always leave inspired and motivated to change things for the better in our lives.”
– Bill, Denver, Yes! I said No! Participant
“The class on setting boundaries has been very helpful to me. I always had the fear of saying no. I felt guilty. I was afraid of hurting others’ feelings, but now I can say “no” and it feels good.”
- Yvette, Pueblo, Yes, I said No! Participant
Training for staff members, children’s ministry department and counseling leadership classes at the potter’s house church of denver: depression, anxiety and bipolar
on-line book study of Yes! i said no! how to set healthy boundaries and increase your self esteem - private group on facebook
2019 Speaking Topics:
Communication and conflict resolution - 10 skills you need
counselor training skills - do you really listen?
anxiety, depression and bipolar
stressed and depressed - what can you do?
Helping kids deal with traumatic events-Mom’s group
"what do you need to un-learn?” and “how to set effective boundaries” at international woman evolve conference
“how to create a vision board” - Equipping leaders class
“Yes! I Said No! How To Set Healthy boundaries and increase your self esteem - master class for the my collective conference”
communication between the sexes - potters house espanol
“Two stops before you start” - Lessons from the life of moses — (1) stop hiding in your hurt; (2) stop doubting yourself and being afraid, (3) start anew - potters house
‘Parenting to change patterns” - mom’s meeting at his love fellowship
"dealing with the end of a relationship” - webinar with kirk samuels, free indeed
2018 Speaking Topics:
Wholeness and the kintsugi japanese concept that broken objects, repaired with gold, become more unique and beautiful.
Living Loved conference -- "Yes! i said no! -- How to set healthy boundaries and increase your self esteem"
"high altitude" - a challenge to spiritual growth and emotional health
"setting healthy boundaries" - 8 week class
"highly effective leadership"
"why is it so hard to say no?"
"Do you have a healthy self? 10 things to look for"
"The Power of you!"
"kids: what you need to know about safety and the signs of depression"
"disc personality types & spiritual gifts"-
"The power of words" - fearfully and wonderfully made conference
uplift her - free indeed video conference - "building confidence in learning to care for people without carrying them"
woman evolve conference - "what happens in your brain when you're depressed?"
"understanding personality types" - the club fairway villas
whole and free women's conference - "his brain, her brain"
the collective conference - on line conference - "yes! i said no! how to set healthy boundaries and increase your self esteem"
“Three things to stop; three things to start to be a highly effective woman.”
“learning from bees” - ordination reflection at Potter’s house church of denver
Contact barbra at 720-263-6257 or to have her speak at your event - or complete form below
Hear the first radio interview for my newly published book, "Yes! I Said No!"
Recorded at the Overcoming Addictions Conference by Mental Health Radio.
Advanced Leadership Training
Making a difference in the lives of people by being prepared to serve enables you to change someone else's life for the better. January - May
Advanced Leadership Training
· You Are the CEO of your Team – Chief Emotional Officer
· Using the DISC personality assessment at home, school or work
· Success Habits
· Emotional and Spiritual Maturity
· The GIFT, God’s Way – How to Live A Happier, More Fulfilled Life
· Five Step Process of Forgiveness
· Three Steps to Effective Communication
· Be What You Want Others to Become
often requested topics:
Highly Effective Women
Ministry and Marriage
Highly Effective Leadership
Advanced Leadership Training
How Do I Forgive?
Three Steps to Setting Boundaries
Stress Management In A Crazy World
Finding Acceptance In Each Season of Life
Change Your Life With A GIFT - G (Gratitude), I (Intention), F (Faith), T (Train Your Brain)
Would you like to book me for an event?
I enjoy speaking to people all over the country from life groups to corporate events.